The health benefits of wheatgrass juice are many, as frequent drinkers will attest. You may have seen enthusiasts “taking shots” of the stuff at your local juice bar or smoothie joint.
Take a look at these facts:
- Two ounces of wheatgrass juice contains the vitamins and minerals equivalent to 3 pounds of organic vegetables, and is especially high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
- Wheatgrass juice is approximately 70% living chlorophyll.
- Wheatgrass juice acts as a safe agent for internal cleansing, possessing powers of detoxification more than ten times superior to carrot juice.
At Chicago’s Indoor Garden, we carefully and lovingly raise USDA Organic Certified wheatgrass on rich, worm-composted soil. Within 7-10 days these wheat sprouts grow into 6-7 inch blades of sweet juice grass. Juicing the grass, freshly cut, yields an unparalleled “green drink” which, when used in conjunction with a well-balanced high-fiber diet, can be an ideal component of your wellness program.
Wheatgrass Nutritional Information
Wheatgrass is not an herb or a food supplement. It is a complete food. This analysis was performed by the Ann Wigmore Foundation. It has been converted to a 1 oz. (28.31 grams) serving
Calcium 145.62
Phosphorus 145.62
Potassium 906
Magnesium 29.13
Iron 16.18
Manganese 2.83
Selenium .0283
Sodium 8.09
Zinc .014
Iodine .0567
Copper 16
Cobalt .0142
Sulfur 56.63
Lysine 234.61
Histidine 129.44
Arginine 315.51
Aspartic Ac. 631.02
Threonine 299.33
Glutamic Acid 687.65
Proline 266.97
Alanine 388.32
Valine 355.96
Isoleucine 461.13
Leucine 461.13
Tyrosine 145.62
Phenylalanine 307.42
Methionine 121.35
Cystine 64.72
Tryptophan 32.36
Amide 80.9
Purine 16.18
Senne 687.65
Vitamin A 14157.5
Vitamin K .0227 mg
Vitamin C 88.99 mg
Vitamin E 8.89 mg
Thiamin .08 mg
Choline 8.89 mg
Riboflaxin .058 mg
Pyrodoxine .037 mg
B12 .036 mg
Niacin .008 mg
Pantothencic Acid 2.128 mg
Biotin .032 mg
Folic Acid .307 mg
Additional Facts:
Carbs 10.517 gm
** Protein 6,472 mg. (6.5 gm.) **
Crude Fiber 4,845 mg
Chlorophyll 153.71 mg
Also present were Cytochrome Oxidase, Lipase, Protease, Amylase, Catalase, Peroxidase, Transhydrogenase, Superoxide, P4DI, DEAE, Abscic Acid.
The Amino acids in wheatgrass help the body in the following ways: Potent Antioxidant *Fights Inflammation* Speeds Healing* Improves the breakdown and absorption of nutrients* Fights toxic build-ups in our organs and cells.
Barley Grass
Barley grass refers to the young green shoots which crop up on the Barley plant. It is amongst the earliest grown sweetgrass in the world and traces It has a history that dates back before 5000 BC, making it one of the earliest sweetgrass grown in the world.
Barley grass has an impressive antioxidant wealth. Along with vitamin E and beta carotene, barley grass is the most potent supplier of healthy and critical enzyme superoxide dismutase which helps neutralize the effects of oxygen free radicals produced during energy metabolism.
Pet Grass
Our Certified Organic Pet Grass provides your pet with the 92 different vitamins and minerals in wheatgrass as well as large amounts of chlorophyll. It makes your pet’s coat shiny, helps cats with hairballs, and aids in digestion
“It makes your cat purrrrrrrrrrr!”

Wheatgrass is a tremendous health food. Did you know that the hemoglobin in the blood and chlorophyll in plants have an almost identical molecule? Drinking wheat grass might be considered drinking pure sunlight!

Sunflower Greens
Sunflower green sprouts are the young seedling of the sunflower or Helianthus Annuus. They have a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture.
Sunflower greens qualities:
- Are Certified Organic
- A great source of plant based protein and can be used for eating or juicing
- Contain high amounts of chlorophyl
- High in potassium
Snow Pea Shoots
These shoots grow from the stalks of the plant when the pods are nearing completion. The pea leaves and stems, when they are harvested early, are not just tender but also crisp and very tasty.
Snow pea shoots qualities:
- Certified Organic
- A great source of plant based protein and can be used for eating or juicing
- Contains high amounts of chlorophyl
- High in potassium
- High in Vitamin C